
Showing posts from May, 2023

20 Gauge Buckshot Shells: Ideal for Close-Range Game

  When it comes to hunting game at close ranges, 20 gauge buckshot shells can be a reliable and effective choice. With their manageable recoil and spread of multiple pellets, these shells are well-suited for hunting small to medium-sized game in dense cover. Here’s a guide to understanding the benefits and considerations of using  20 Gauge Ammo  buckshot shells for close-range hunting. Shot Size: Buckshot shells contain multiple pellets, and the shot size determines the size of the individual pellets. Common shot sizes for 20 gauge buckshot shells range from #2 to #4 buck. Smaller shot sizes have more pellets, while larger shot sizes have fewer but larger pellets. Consider the size of your game and the desired balance between pellet count and individual pellet size. Game Type: 20 gauge buckshot shells are suitable for close-range hunting of game such as deer, hogs, coyotes, and other similarly sized animals. Due to their limited effective range, they are most effective when hunting in

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